Monday 23 March 2015

My Evaluation of this Project

During this project, I have felt a varied mixture of emotions. I have felt frustrated, determined and happy when I was finally understanding and getting the workload done. I found the project as a whole helpful and tested my creative abilities, but I felt the project could have been planned and implemented so it was easier to understand.

When the project started, I felt confused as to what it was I was asked to do. But once I figured out what I needed to work on, I tried to isolate what information I wanted to focus on and tried to do research into all the separate issues I was faced with.

I had to write four separate reports about different topics that were discussed in lectures. I feel this was another frustrating point, as we were only given 500 words for each report and I felt I could not delve as deep as I wanted to into each subject. I feel if we were given perhaps 2 reports of 1000 words each, I could have scratched deeper than just the surface knowledge of each issue. I did enjoy learning about all the different points that were raised, however.

During the research and writing of the different reports, I felt my knowledge of the topics I was writing about expanded and I gained a greater understanding of everything I was working with. For example, I had never heard of the Gestalt Theory before, and felt it was an interesting subject to research and try to understand. Other subjects like the gender and bias, character and archetype and anthropomorphism were things I was already familiar with and interested in, so researching for them was quite easy and really made me think of the issues that could be raised in these subjects.
I feel having four different reports also made it slightly harder as my focus was constantly being drawn from one thing to another; it felt as though I could not stay on one subject too long as I had another three to do. This meant I could not focus as much as I wanted on the topics and I wish we could have had more of a chance to concentrate on one or two ideas.

Also, being given such a broad spectrum of things to look at and research into was quite daunting, as I did not really know where to start. I feel if we were given a specific area to look into, I would have been able to focus quicker and easier as I would have had boundaries.

But I also feel my understanding and knowledge on the subjects I researched have made me think about the world differently, especially with subjects like gender and bias and how creating a set of characters is treated by story creators. I will be taking the knowledge I have gained doing this project and will use it towards my future projects. 

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